No Man's Sky (PlayStation 4)

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         Developer : Hello Games
            Genres : Space simulator
                     Survival Games
            Themes : Space
      Release Info : Upgraded on PS5
        Other Tags : Open World

          Trophies :

not completed.

No Man's Sky is a space exploration game with a huge generated universe full of densely populated planets. The game had a very succesful, but unusually dishonest marketing campaign, promising way more than what the game actually was, including implications of multiplayer gameplay that didn't exist at all. However, the game that was there wasn't terrible at all. It's a slow survival game on a bunch of randomly generated planets. Not bad or great, but something in between. Since its launch in 2016, the game has received a bunch of very significant updates, even including a multiplayer option.

The face of 2016 internet controversy

Log entries

  • Jeppe and Erik was visiting, and we downloaded the most over-hyped game I ever saw. The game *is* kinda cool, the planets look interesting and have fun creatures to scan. However, controlling the spacecraft is unresponsive and doesn't have any stakes, and the Minecraft-style crafting system is, unsurprisingly, kinda boring.
  • 2016-10-13
  • I wanted to show this weird game to Martin SA and Andreas F, and we wandered around and looked at weird animals and landed on a few planets. Kind of boring.
  • 2016-12-11
  • Thomas J and Sacha was visiting, and we went exploring in the system I'm currently locked to (due to not having taken the time to figure out how to jump to a new system). We discovered a couple of new species, and I clipped through the world in a lake and had to drown myself to get back to the other side. As rough as ever, yet I still enjoy elements of No Man's Sky.
  • 2017-08-14
  • On sale for 108 DKK. Finally, a fair price for this flawed, yet interesting game.
  • 2017-08-16
  • I started playing from the beginning in 'Normal' game mode. I started on a pink radioactive planet with weird giant mantis-crab-squid.
  • 2017-08-18
  • Argh, I accidentally played 3 hours of space exploration. I'm very motivated by traveling to a new planet and seeing its flora and fauna. The crafting stuff ... not so much. At least, not yet. I've learned the basic necessities of collecting Zinc for my suit and Plutonium and Iron for the ship. I discovered a new system and named it Ghostly, and found a Portal on the planet Poltergeist. Don't know how to activate it yet.
  • 2017-08-19
  • I played for 3.5 hours, spend a long time making a bunch of Hyperdrive fuel, and then found a new better ship, and couldn't transfer the fuel. I guess that once a resource is loaded into a system, you can't get it back. Anyway, the new ship is cool, so I'm happy. :)
  • 2017-09-09
  • Some more NMS, I found a giant new ship, and is getting the hang of hyperdrive fuel creation. I also found a weird bouncing fungus creature that looked a bit like a Dugtrio (Pokemon).
  • 2017-09-16
  • I demonstrated NMS to Thomas J while he was visiting. I found a poison planet with weird insectoid creatures on it and named it 'Blighttown'.
  • 2020-10-20
  • My 3 year old savegame still works! And now I can play in VR, which works pretty well. It removes the uninteresting traversal, and makes sense for a more traversal-focused experience. But after a lot of updates, I have no idea what I'm doing, and I'm not having fun.

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Main pages
Game Database
External links

Screenshots marked with 🍒 are created by syltefar and are considered public domain, free to use for anything. If you want to, you can note where you found it and link to this page. v.2.2.14 2024-04-26